04 Dec 2015

Best Instant Note Taking Apps & Hacks

Best Instant Note Taking Apps & Hacks The other day I was looking around those shiny new phones at my local Sprint shop and I happened to notice a few things. I saw a couple of models that seem to have taken a liking to the whole, hidden stylus theme that

02 Dec 2015

Best Star Gazing Apps to Lose Yourself In

Best Star Gazing Apps to Lose Yourself In Best Star Gazing Apps, title says it all right? If we go back to basics we have our Bodies, the Earth, and the Sky.  Thousands of years ago we looked up and plotted out constellations, all the while making stories for those

29 Nov 2015

Best Memory Cleaning Apps – RAM Boosters

Best Memory Cleaning Apps This topic has been argued for and argued against since the very beginning of Android. I know the main reason you clicked on this post was because your speedy phone became slower than a snails at a race–for some reason… right? If RAM is one of those

26 Nov 2015

Best Black Friday Apps

Best Black Friday Apps! Here are the Four Best Android Black Friday Apps available on the Google Play Store. Normally we wouldn’t be releasing a post about best apps for an event so close to the deadline but Black Friday has always been shrouded in secrecy. App developers have a limited

19 Nov 2015

3 Apps for Toddlers you need NOW

The Importance of Literacy “The National Early Literacy Panel assessed the most rigorous scientific research available on the development of early literacy skills in children from birth to age 5. They concluded that a grasp of the alphabet and phonics awareness were two of the “strongest and most consistent predictors”

17 Nov 2015

Music Downloading Apps – How To

Music Downloading Apps… Should I or Shouldn’t I? This question really depends on your scruples. With a fair amount of moral maneuvering this isn’t too much of a problem–at least with myself. While we don’t advocate doing anything that might be considered “Legally Gray” we do advocate finding out for

12 Nov 2015

Best Baby Apps to help with your Newborn

Best Baby Apps for the New Baby Blues If my sister is any indication of what a typical new mother goes through then my hat is off to mothers everywhere. Much is said about how to potty train, how to teach a child their ABC’s, and how to keep children

07 Nov 2015

Mobile Reddit Apps? The best to keep you in The Know

Do you even Reddit Bruh? When asked this question, I replied, “…Uh… no…” A very slight, sad, shake of their head was all it took to get me thinking. What exactly am I missing? Maybe if you’re in some dark corner of the world–like myself–and never get out much. You might have

06 Nov 2015

Best Android Apps for College Students

More Education, More Problems… Anytime we have an opportunity to understand what motivates us to keep in sync with our routines it should be a good thing. There are days however when we really aren’t feeling it. Some of the most essential issues with college are compounded when we add

27 Oct 2015

9 ways to order Fast Food… even faster!

Fast Food Faster Can fast food get any slower? Is that what you’re saying at the drive-thru? Take a look at these 9 apps for faster food today. Burger King Burger King has a pleasantly orange layout that lends some warmth to the eyes thanks to Android 5.0 Lollipop Material